Employers are searching for qualified candidates, but where can you find the best people? With so much competition, it becomes increasingly difficult to acquire talent.

Savvy recruiters now use digital technology and predictive artificial intelligence (AI) hiring to connect with prospective candidates and assess their potential.

Predictive Hiring and Future Success

Hiring managers love to tell recruiters that they want someone who went to a top college, earned a particular degree and have many years of experience. But are they looking for a clone of the former person in the job, a list of resume points or someone who is likely to be successful in the role?

What is Predictive Hiring ?

Predictive hiring, which is based on actual data and assessment results, can identify those candidates who are likely to be quality hires. This helps recruiters focus job descriptions and talent sources on the position’s needs. In fact, predictive hiring can actually triple the pool of qualified applicants for a given role.

How Does Predictive Hiring Help?

The AI predictive hiring system looks at the desired future outcomes for the role, expected tenure in the position, cultural aspects, recruiting aspects and the usual weighted job traits. The software repeatedly updates information about your candidates, the ones you do hire and successful employees.

Machine learning helps the system predict who will be the best candidates in the future. Processing information and recognizing patterns allows the AI tool to become smarter and more effective at hiring. Ultimately, the AI algorithm helps you develop engagement metrics for your talent pool and even more predictive staff planning internally.

Broader Sourcing

Another AI benefit for recruitment is its ability to broadly target and source suitable candidates, particularly those not actively looking for jobs who may be perfect for your company.

Most human recruiters target the usual job hiring or job search sites, but they do not have the time to aggressively mine social media and other channels for hidden talent. However, AI Hiring tools can help you cast a wider net when trying to find talent and reach out to them.

AI help match skills and past work experience using predictive hiring on millions of potential hires through social media, industry-specific discussion groups, industry organizations, and more. AI-driven talent sourcing can allow you to spend more time engaging with top candidates.

Diversity hiring and staffing transparency

Combing a broader range of staffing sources can help you develop a more diverse group of candidates. It can also help mitigate human biases. Well-designed AI algorithms can remove unconscious bias of recruiters or hiring managers, who do not intend to be influenced by their own background and personal experience.

AI models and candidate rankings should be based on the skills, experience and content of interview responses. However, other non-job-relevant criteria that can distract humans, such as hairstyle, attire or nervousness can result in bias, even on an unconscious level. AI Recruiting tools are blind to identity or certain visual biases. They are periodically validated to ensure that the models continue to be fair and not create adverse impacts.

Additionally, providing visibility into how data is collected and used creates trust and enhances your reputation as a fair employer. Disclose how decisions are made using AI so that your recruiting staff can explain how their process reduces or eliminates discrimination or bias.

Technological tools are transforming many processes, and recruiting is one. Predictive hiring and other AI tools, such as those available from Arytic, are helping more businesses source higher-caliber candidates.

Arytic can help you find the perfect talent for your company’s development. Our tool help you build a more inclusive and diverse team by assessing qualified candidates without regard to their identity. You can go beyond identifying keywords to using AI to make successful data-informed hires.

To find out more about our predictive hiring AI tool, contact Arytic today or drop a mail at: info@arytic.com.